Hive Aromatic Facial Blends 75ml


Hive Aromatic Facial Blends 75ml

Superior, pre-blended formulas using a range of carefully selected essential and high quality carrier oils offering therapists convenience and quality. Designed for use during luxury body or facial massage. These refreshing and stimulating oil blends,  help to maintain a healthy complexion. Available in four different combinations:

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Normal/Combination - Contains: Lavender, Peppermint and Bergamot Essential Oils blended with Sweet Almond Oil.

Sensitive - Contains: Lavender, Chamomile and Sandalwood Essential Oils blended with Sweet Almond Oil.

Dry - Contains: Lemon, Sandalwood and Geranium Essential Oils blended with Grapeseed Oil.

Oily/Problem - Contains: Tea Tree and Grapefruit Essential Oils blended with Sweet Almond Oil.
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